Search results: true

Milky Way

Large Magellanic Cloud

Small Magellanic Cloud

Barnard's Loop

Orion's Belt Region

Zodiacal Light

M 36 & M 38

h & chi Persei

M 44

C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)

C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)

C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)

C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)

Constellations Andromeda and Triangulum

Constellation Auriga

Constellation Orion

Constellation Taurus

Constellation Canis Major

Milky Way zoom in

Rho Ophiuchi

Constellation Cancer

Constellations Crux, Musca and Carina

Coal Sack

Constellation Hercules

Constellations Triangulum Australe, Norma, Ara

Moon and Venus above the Caucasus

Constellations Scutum and Serpens Cauda

Omega Centauri

Constellations Cepheus and Lacerta

Constellation Pegasus

Constellation Cassiopeia

Moon, Venus, Mars and Jupiter

Constellation Perseus

Constellation Camelopardalis

Constellations Monoceros and Canis Minor

Constellation Lynx

Constellations Centaurus and Circinus

Constellations Corona Borealis and Serpens Caput

Constellation Draco

Solar Eclipse on Hawaii

Constellations Cygnus and Lyra

Third Contact of the Solar Eclipse 8/99

Iridium Flare in Lyra

Constellations Delphinus and Equuleus

Corona of the Solar Eclipse 8/99

Constellation Pisces

Chromosphere of the Solar Eclipse 8/99

Constellations Aries and Triangulum

HII Regions in Cygnus

Nova V1494 Aquilae

Nova V1494 Aquilae

Constellation Gemini

Minor Planet Vesta

Constellations Sextans and Hydra

Summer Triangle

Aurora Borealis

Constellation Leo

Constellation Bootes

Crescent Moon and Hyades above the Roques de García

Constellation Ursa Minor

Fog Corona and Crepuscular Rays

Moon and Earthshine

Constellation Ophiuchus

Constellation Ursa Major

The Sky during the Solar Eclipse 8/99

Prominences of the Sun 8/99

Solar Eclipse and Aureole 8/99

Animation of the third Contact 8/99

Partial Phase of the Solar Eclipse 8/99 in clouds

Partial Phase of the Solar Eclipse 8/99

Constellation Aquila

Constellations Vulpecula and Sagitta


Startrails and C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)

Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation Taurus

Totality of the Lunar Eclipse 1/2001

Aureole around the Moon

Lunar Eclipse 1/2001 in Gemini

Lunar Eclipse 1/2001

Observing the Lunar Eclipse 1/2001

End of Totality of the Lunar Eclipse 1/2001

Partial Phase of the Lunar Eclipse 1/2001

Constellation Leo Minor

Panorama of the Aurora 4/2000

Moon and Mercury

Glory and Specter of the Brocken

Moon and Planets in Taurus

Ursa Major and Ursa Minor

Aurora Borealis 10/2001

Winter constellations above the southern horizon

Alpha Persei

Iridium Flare in Cassiopeia

Aurora Borealis 10/2001

Moon, Jupiter and first signs of the Aurora Borealis of April 6th, 2000

Aurora Borealis of April 6th, 2000

Aurora Borealis of April 6th, 2000

Aurora Borealis of April 6th, 2000

Aurora Borealis of April 6th, 2000

Aurora Borealis of April 6th, 2000

Aurora Borealis of April 6th, 2000

Aurora Borealis of April 6th, 2000

Aurora Borealis of April 6th, 2000

Aurora Borealis of April 6th, 2000

Aurora Borealis of April 6th, 2000

Constellations Crater and Corvus

Constellation Virgo

Constellation Scorpius

Iridescent Cloud

Constellation Aquarius


Constellation Cetus

Constellation Eridanus

M 41 and Sirius

Constellation Lepus

Circumzenithal Arc


M 46 and M 47

Constellation Libra

Coma Star Cluster

Constellation Sagittarius

Constellation Capricornus

Row of Planets

Zodiacal Light in Gemini

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